


detail of “not by chance alone” project. Relief printing on Japanese silk tissue, beeswax. 2013-2015

I am an artist whose preferred mode of work is drawing. For the most part, I work in mixed media – graphite, charcoal, collage, pastel, photography and relief printing.

For the past six years, my subject matter has been bees–first of all honeybees–and then as I began to understand the complexity of their environment, our native bees and other pollinators. My practice includes the exploration of the floral resources that pollinators require, that is, the nectar and pollen that are critical for their survival. Gathering flowers  where ever I find them, from roadsides, alleyways and fields and gardens,  I record and photograph the insect or bird visitors that have dipped into the blossoms. I collect a bit of pollen, and make color samples of it; taste the nectar; research the plant’s family and characteristics and preserve the specimens via the traditional mode of pressing and drying.

With my most recent series, I print my photographic images on gampi, and dip each into melted beeswax.

I post regularly on Instagram: @guyjasna

4 thoughts on “about

  1. Hi Jasna-
    I’m writing a short article about the panel discussion I moderated at the Cartographic Exploits Symposium last month- and came across your drawing that mapped the discussion- I’m wondering if you would allow me to use it? It would be in Landscapes/Paysages Magazine- the Canadian journal of landscape architecture. And of course I would give you full credit.
    Let me know what you think,
    Kelty McKinnon

    • Hi Kelty
      Thank you for your interest in the little mapping drawing. I am honoured by your request. Yes, please do use it.
      Looking forward to reading your article on the panel discussion.

  2. Hi, Jasna – I’d love to talk about your work with you – I work for community arts council of vancouver and also do mixed-media work myself – current series is on nests and “incubating poetry” I think we have some common interests we’re exploring through art. maryinvancouver@gmail.com

  3. It is wonderful to use different mediums to express. Bees play a very important part in keeping the planet alive. I am glad to have more people learn about the pollinators and the constant work they do for life.

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